Sentiments: A Rant

What is it with sentiments? Why is it that we keep holding on to little trinkets that may not seem worthy at face value anymore but have great emotional impact on us when we lose it?

I and a lot of sentimental people often question ourselves why we feel so affected when we happen to lose or break things with sentimental value. Accepting a certain loss of anything that held a lot of meaning is difficult, especially if you invested a lot of emotions on it. The object may be a reminder of a happy memory, and would give you feelings of nostalgia and other lovely feelings associated with it as you go back to the time you first received it.

The pain of losing the sentimental object is more excruciating when you're undergoing the process of grief. Let's say you are coping the loss of a loved one, or undergoing a very painful breakup with someone you thought was the world to. If the loss is unsolicited, it will feel shocking and overwhelming, it will feel painful, it will feel as life just played a huge joke on you and being the receiver of that cruel joke, you do a lot of different things to cope with it, like holding on to things that remind you of the person associated with it.

Non-sentimental people can't understand it, and they don't need to. There are a lot of times I get called immature or childish by being too emotional about "little things", but it's not really about those little things. It's about the memories and the meaning behind them, and it's about the person who gave you those feelings.

The person associated with the object was a significant part of your everyday, and basically a huge part of who you are is because of that person. While the sudden emotional trauma may leave you feeling pained, empty and lonely for a long period of time, and all you have to hold on to are the little trinkets that you received in order to  reminisce his or her presence, let us just reside in the grace that things will be alright soon. Hopefully someday, we might find meaning in our circumstances.

The Korilakkuma teddy bear was given as a surprise, by a really good person who inherently do not like participating in such feats (but probably did it for me because I loved surprises). I use it everyday when I go out. It's attached to my blue shoulder bag and hold on to it every time I feel scared while travelling or having to interact with new or unfamiliar people. On June 5, I was commuting from the pier to my tita's house, since I was carrying a lot of bags, my hands were very full. While commuting, the small teddy bear probably got detached from my bag and fell off. I only realized it was gone when I reached my dorm room. No amount of retracing my steps was able to redeem my teddy bear back. It was raining at that time, and it's probably floating right now in the midst of the floodwaters in Cebu.


P.S. I could choose to not be a sentimental person but it's too long and too tedious process that will probably just increase my risk of developing mental disorders. Besides, it's really just how my brain works. Being sentimental isn't always bad, it also has its perks.


  1. im sorry about the teddy babygirl

    1. Thanks. I still get really sad about it from time to time but we need to accept these things in order to grow.


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